19 Fabryczna Str.
90-334 Lodz

Opening hours:
Wednesday and Friday 10.00-14.00
or after previous telephone contact

Phone: +48 42 6743499
Mobile: 0 691680728


See map >

See ikonablog >

IKONA is an auteur idea and a locus of contemporary artistic activity. It is located in a 19th century red brick family house in Księży Młyn, a historic district of Łódź. Surrounded by the relics of Karol Scheibler industrial empire, it is an outstanding and inspiring place.
Events, exhibitions, meetings and activities are organised both in the gallery itself and its immediate post-industrial environment.
We welcome artists and active participants receptive to unconventional messages.

IKONA is run by:
Beata Gondorowicz and Maciej Gondorowicz